Monday, July 14, 2008

Boo learns to Spin Silk

More adventures in natural dyeing. This is mordanted with Rhubarb leaves (which by themselves leave the wool a beautiful pale yellow) and then dyed with carrot tops from our CSA box. I plan on plying this together with the beet yarn.

Our original weekend plans got cancelled so I went to fiber guild instead. I would have been in trouble if Boo hadn't come, so Birch came with to help wrangle. The program was about spinning silk hankies, which I already knew how to do, but was very interesting anyways.

I made progress on the jean rug. So much progress in fact that I need more jeans. Hopefully Freecycle will come to my rescue.

I also spun the second bobbin and plyed my Pebble Path wool/silk into a beautiful lace weight yarn. I am totally in love with it and plan on making this cowl to match my gloves (still not finished).

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm in my second week of 6 Sigma Black Belt training at work. Even though much of what we are covering I already know, it still makes for long days. Actually, when I already know what we're covering it makes the days longer. So I haven't been in a mood to knit or dye when I get home, but I still need something to relax.

I have a habit of buying sweaters at yard sales to scavenge the yarn for other knitting projects.
I made a beautiful Icarus shawl for my sister out of an angora sweater I salvaged. Great yarn, at low cost. It does mean another stash however

This is going to be a sweater I'm designing for Boo and I to wear together while she's on my back.

This a lovely wool/angora/nylon blend that I will probably dye before using.

Not a sweater, but something else I am deconstructing

I'm cutting these into strips to make a rug for Boo.

And finally, the gloves I haven't been knitting

They are my handspun from a wool/silk blend called Pebble Path, pattern is
Merike's Gloves by Nancy Bush in the Estonian Folk Knitting book

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Local Fiber

Our guild project theme this year is "Local Fiber"

My plan is to buy some fiber from an animal raised by a guild member, dye it with natural dyes, spin it, and knit it into mittens or a hat for myself.

So far, I have bought the fiber. Icelandic Lamb fleece.

And dyed the first part of it with some beets from our CSA box

It didn't turn out the golden color I was hoping for, more of a pinkish tan. I didn't get a picture of it yet.

Next, I hope to try some carrot tops, also from our CSA box.

I can't start spinning until I finish another spinning project to make lace weight yarn out of what's left of the gorgeous wool/silk Pebble path.