Sunday, May 3, 2009

Easter Egg Playsilks

Playsilks are a neat toy, the sort of thing that Boo will love now and that will be a good toy for the next ten years. I could have bought them, but ordering silk scarf blanks from Dharma and dyeing them myself is so much more fun.

I make a habit of buying Easter egg dyeing kits right after Easter when they are very cheap. I have quite the stockpile, and while I have dyed sock yarn with them in the past, I never had tried silk.

First I unfolded the scarves and put them in water to soak. Wet fiber takes the dye faster and more evenly. Boo helped.

Then I put two pellets of each of the 8 colors in a wide-mouthed pint jar and added 1/3 cup white vinegar.

When they had stopped fizzing, I knew the tablets had dissolved, so I added about an inch more water and a silk scarf. I used an egg dipping tool (because I have a lot of them) to push down the scarf enough so it was covered in dye, adding more water as necessary. I let them sit for 10 minutes or so (ok, I ate lunch) and then microwaved them to set the dye.

I ended up having to transfer them to a quart jar for the microwaving as the first one boiled over and made quite the mess in my microwave. The quart jars worked fine. I covered the jar with a piece of saran wrap and microwaved them for 6 minutes each.

They rinsed out quite easily, and I hung them outside to dry. The great thing about silk? They were almost literally dry by the time I was done hanging them all up.

Boo approved of them greatly, her first response was "mine, mine!"

The colors turned out pretty good, they look more washed out in the pictures than in real life. The one disappointment I had was that the "turquoise" and the "blue" ended up the same color on the silk. The purple dye "broke" not to unexpectedly and turned out very speckled and tie-dyed looking. The colors are a little mottled, If I had wanted them even-er I would have cooked them on the stove and stirred. For playsilks they are great.

From left to right: yellow, blue, chartreuse, red, orange, turquoise, purple, green

And how to store 9 playsilks ( I left one white). Two shower rings attached to the bookcase.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We're big fans of babywearing. We used wraps a lot when Boo was smaller, and now we use the Ergo quite extensivly. But there's one problem. See her overalls? They are almost too long when she's walking around, but in the carrier they ride up almost to her knees. For a knitting mommy wanting to swath her Boodle in woolly love, this is an opportunity.

Baby Legs. The yarn is from a Bishop Fiber Guild dyeing workshop last weekend on sock blanks. It's Paton's Kroy socks painted with Jacquard dyes (in skeins because we ran out of blank making time). It turned out gorgeous. None of the pictures quite capture the almost iridescent look. Also, the colors worked up to look like an FEA stress analysis graphic.

They fit and as near socks are beloved of the toddler.

Ice Queen

This summer I decided to go into the world of making gloves and made myself some gloves out of my handspun. It was a lovely wool/silk blend, and I had quite a bit left over. So I plied the remaining singles as two-ply instead of three and made myself an Ice Queen. I started New Year's eve and finished this Friday, partly because it worked up fast and partly because of a bit of obsession. I've worn it just about constantly since.

Cause it's just that pretty. And we don't keep the house that warm.

Close up of the picot cast off that never ended

This is closer to the actual color, I love the subtle striping I got.

You can see the beads in this one

With the hood up. Sorry about the expression, it's hard to take good pictures of yourself.