Wednesday, August 25, 2010

FO: Kink!

Hey look! a finished knitting projected. I'm hoping it's a trend. The pattern is Kink from Knitty First Fall 2010. The yarn is my handspun, from fiber I bought at the Bishop Hill Fiber Guild Spin IN last October. It is a wool/silk/mohair blend, that had a beautiful gradation throughout the roving. I split it in half, spun one bobbin of each and plyed them. One lesson learned: If you fill two bobbins, then ply them together, the resulting bobbin of plyed yarn is very very very full.

I like the way it pins in the front, and the way the pattern shows off the color gradation. A great extra layer for me who is always cold.

Just enough lace to not get bored

Like most of my "shawl pins" this is a re-purposed hair ornament.

Pretty colors

Good for running with my best girl

Curry approves too

This grew rather impressively when blocked, I was disappointed in how narrow it was fresh off the needles, but it really blossomed. This is a great pattern for fairly small amounts of yarn - I can see me making it again.

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